print update

we’re still waiting for the blanks to arrive for the last batch of shirts- the supplier messed up and they wound up sitting in their warehouse for 3 days before they actually got sent… >:( so anyway it means we won’t be able to start printing until tuesday, however everything should be completely wrapped up…

oh my frackin’ gods

oh my frackin’ gods

if you can’t tell from this post’s headline, i am a fan of battlestar galactica. i think it’s the best sf show of all time, and possibly the best show period. so yeah, i like it a little. so this post is about bsg and if you ain’t down with the bsg then you ain’t…

all city, new art

all city, new art

locals only: i will be giving away shirts tonight (saturday june 7th) at all city, the soul/funk/disco/r&b night at the tribeca (1583 granville). the only stipulation of getting a shirt is that you have to put it on right away and then dance with it on. but not like a fake dance you’re just doing…

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contest time

well it’s about time i got back to having contests on this site. time was, oh lessee, way back round about 2003/2004, i used to have a monthly contest on the site and give away shirts right, center and left. well those glory days of yonder time are back! starting today, i will make it…


sassy new pictures

hey everybody. i’ve just posted a bunch of new photos to the visualiser . click on the pictures to go directly to that t-shirt. first of all, kevin carroll from a digital cure sent us some very nice pics recently. i’m hoping to get some more flicks from mr. carroll soon, and when i do…